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Renmark RSL Sub Branch 

91 15th St, Renmark,

SA 5341


Postal address:
PO Box 168, Renmark

SA, 5341

Soldiers Memorial Renmark RSL

Soldiers Memorial Room Renmark RSL

Soldiers Memorial Room Renmark RSL

Soldiers Memorial Room

Ral Ral Avenue - Renmark South Australia

Honoring Renmark's Defence Force Soldiers

The Soldiers Memorial Room is a wonderful display for all those who enlisted from Renmark and the surrounding district and subsequently served in a conflict with the Australian Defence Force.

Renmark has a proud history of war service and although Chaffey Brothers opened up the area as the fist irrigation colony in Australia with the aid of adventurous pioneers of that time, the soldier settlers of WWI and WWII have been the backbone of what the region is today.

Renmark had a very high ratio of volunteer enlistment in both world wars. Renmark had the highest enlistment per capita of population for any district in Australia for WWI with 600 from 3,000 people. Even the number of Vietnam Veterans was seemingly high for a district population of under 7,000 which may have been a reflection on the precedent set by the forefathers of that generation.

Of particular interest in the room is the World War II honour roll. It comprises 840 names (including the women's auxiliary services), ornamentally carved in relief onto individual slats of 19 different species of Australian woods. The centre piece of names comprise those who made the supreme sacrifices is surrounded by cherubs with sword and shield in hand. An amazing variety of heraldic emblems is included with the sword of justic, eagles for liftiness and aim and cerelity of flight. Carvings from Egyptian lore also adores the craftwork along with an initial Renmark Corporation crest.

A visual mural also reflects the honour rolls and has been worked mainly in oil paints on stained marine ply.

The room is open daily on Ral Ral Avenue in Renmark.







The next General Meeting will be held on the 30th of July. 

Members and guests/visitors can meet at 5.45pm in the Sportsmans Bar at the Renmark Hotel for a meal and drinks.

Meeting conducted from approx 7pm onwards in the sub branch at 91 15th St, Renmark (opposite the Renmark Hotel accommodation units).

Lloyd (Secretary)


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